Ansible Hands-on : Dive into Automation!

Ansible Hands-on : Dive into Automation!

Hey DevOps Enthusiasts!

Today, we're diving into the world of Ansible with a hands-on session that's both fun and informative. Today, we’re going to take a closer look at how Ansible works and how you can use it to simplify your automation tasks.

Watch the Video Explanation for Ansible Here

Introduction to Ansible

Ansible is an open-source IT automation tool that helps you manage configurations, deploy applications, and orchestrate complex IT tasks. It is designed to automate repetitive and tedious tasks, making your life easier and allowing you to focus on more important things. Ansible is simple yet powerful, providing a straightforward way to automate various IT operations.

Ansible Setup with Servers

To get started with Ansible, you need to set it up on your control machine and configure it to connect to your target servers. Here’s a quick guide:

  1. Install Ansible:

    • On a Linux machine, you can install Ansible using the package manager. For example, on Ubuntu, you can use the following commands:

        sudo apt update
        sudo apt install ansible
    • For other operating systems, you can refer to the official Ansible installation guide.

  2. Configure SSH Access:

    • Ansible uses SSH to connect to remote servers. Ensure you have SSH access to the target machines. You can generate an SSH key pair using:

    • Copy the public key to the target server using:

        ssh-copy-id user@remote_host

SSH Tutorial

Understanding SSH (Secure Shell) is crucial for connecting to remote servers, which is a core functionality used by Ansible. SSH enables secure communication between your control machine and the managed nodes.

  • Connecting to a Remote Server:

      ssh user@remote_host
  • Running Commands on Remote Server:

      ssh user@remote_host 'command_to_run'
  • Transferring Files:

      scp local_file user@remote_host:/remote/path

Creating an Ansible Inventory

The inventory file in Ansible defines the group of servers or machines that Ansible will manage. Here’s how you can create a simple inventory file:

  1. Create an Inventory File:

    • Create a file named hosts with the following content:

  2. Group Servers:

    • You can group servers based on their roles, such as web servers and database servers, to easily manage them.

Ansible Commands

Ansible provides several commands for managing servers. Here are some basic commands to get you started:

  1. Ping All Servers:

    • Ensure Ansible can communicate with all servers in the inventory:

        ansible all -m ping -i hosts
  2. Run a Shell Command:

    • Run a shell command on all servers in the webservers group:

        ansible webservers -a "uptime" -i hosts
  3. Using Modules:

    • Ansible modules are units of code that perform specific tasks. For example, to install a package using the apt module:

        ansible webservers -m apt -a "name=nginx state=present" -i hosts --become
  4. Creating a Playbook:

    • Playbooks are YAML files that define a series of tasks to be executed on managed nodes. Here’s a simple example:

        - name: Install and start Apache
          hosts: webservers
          become: yes
            - name: Install Apache
                name: apache2
                state: present
            - name: Start Apache service
                name: apache2
                state: started
    • Run the playbook using:

        ansible-playbook -i hosts install_apache.yml


Ansible is a versatile and powerful tool that makes automation simple and effective. By following this guide and the linked video tutorial, you’ll have a solid foundation in Ansible and be well on your way to automating your IT tasks.

Happy learning!

Watch the Video Explanation for Ansible Here